The story of a pioneer


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The story of a pioneer of water sports rides in Tanjung Benoa

Anak Agung Raka Bawa was the initiator and founder of the first water sport rides on Tanjung Benoa. His father was a fisherman, this is what made him so close to the sea.

The spirit of a Balinese son to change his fate for the better and please him.

At that time Bali tourism was still low, he decided to take an English course in 1976.
In 1977 he and his staff friends in every tourist season that comes in July-August began to introduce Tanjung beach
Benoa to foreign tourists.

In 1978 he and his friends formed an organization to explore Tanjung Benoa as a tourism destination with water sports as their main attraction.

Until July 7, 1985, Rai Water Sports was established with facilities that are getting more and more complete.
Rai water sports was born from the persistent determination of the Balinese son who upholds the charisma and customs of the Balinese ancestors, he was the pioneer of Tanjung Benoa water sports rides.

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